Enriching Lives Of Adults Beyond Disability

For the Parents
At Active Lives Canada we understand that once a child turns 18 years of age it is challenging to find services and programs for your adult. Our organization provides integrative care between clinicians, day programs and respite programs. We believe that once you turn 18 years of age, services should stay the same.

Our Clinicians
Being a parent of an adult with special needs brings its own challenges and brings up a lot more questions than answers? Active lives clinicians are here to answer a lot of these questions and to provide guidance. At Active Lives our clinicians are trained to handle complex issues and work diligently together to create the best care plan possible.

Our Day Progam
The Active Lives Day Program has been running for almost seven years. Our belief is every adult is entitled to continuing education, leisure Activities, and a safe place to work on self-help skills. Our organisation focuses on a variety of different areas such as life skills, horticulture, culinary arts, creative arts, computer coding, continuing education, physical education, and more. We believe that even though school has ended doesn’t mean that learning has stopped. We believe turning 18-year-old it’s just the beginning and allows us to mould and shape our participants for the future.
Safety First
COVID-19 has changed our world in many different ways. It’s isolated us from our loved ones, physicians and many other services we were used to having in our daily lives. Active Lives we take the safety of our staff and participants seriously. We have worked diligently with public health to create safe policies and procedures.
We believe everyone deserves a safe place. Active Lives Canada can be your safe place!

Our Respite
The Active Lives respite program is a unique and one-of-a-kind program that allows our participants to connect with one another and at the same time giving them a break from their family routines. We provide weekend respite day programs and evening respite programs. Our programs are designed to be creative and purposeful for each participant. Some of our weekend and evening respite programs include movie nights, video game parties, dance parties, leisure Sports activities and more. We understand that everybody deserves a break and our respite program will provide that well-needed. time.

Our Recreation
At Active Lives Canada, we believe in living an active lifestyle. Research has proven that being active contributes to and strengthens all areas of well-being and success in life.
Physical activity produces endorphins that improve the ability to sleep, reduce stress and strengthen positive emotions.
Improvement of self-esteem
Team sports teach cooperation and listening skills
With our large gymnasium and outdoor recreational area we will be hosting a wide range of different sports leagues for adults living with exceptionalities.